Update from Administrator – September 28, 2020
Dear Families and Friends,
As always, our team and I hope this email finds you safe and healthy.
We continue testing our staff and residents at regular intervals as required by CMS, CDC and DPH. We are happy to report that we remain COVID free! We continue testing our staff and residents at regular intervals as required by CMS, CDC and DPH.
A few quick points:
- I want to reiterate that this pandemic is still active and while we remain COVID-free, our state continues to report new cases of COVID and as we see in the news, some states continue to surge with new cases. This serves as a reminder that we must all remain vigilant in following all guidelines, recommendations, and best practices to stay safe and fight this pandemic.
- Although we are following social distance guidelines, handwashing protocols, hygiene recommendations, and wearing masks in our center – it is still STRONGLY encouraged that all staff and residents receive an annual Influenza Vaccine. While the vaccine is not in the center yet, please consider completing a consent form, in advance to ensure you loved one receives their vaccine.
- Take-out food is authorized to come in to the building and be delivered to residents. Our receptionist will meet the individual delivering the food at the front entrance and will have it delivered to the resident by our staff.
- We are currently finishing our policy to open back up to limited group dining and group activities according to the Rhode Island Department of Health Guidelines. Once this program is up and running, we will begin work on Hair Dressing services.
- Each nursing unit has tablets / iPads assigned for resident use such as virtual visits, games, telemedicine visits, etc. Many of our residents are enjoying learning how to use this technology and having the world at their fingertips.
- Please continue to use our special email address recreation@summitcommonsrhcc.com to request virtual visits, outdoor social distancing visits, or ask questions.
- Every weekday, I and my administrative team round a different nursing unit and meet with our residents to let them know we’re here for them and give them an opportunity to voice any questions or concerns they may have directly to us. We also use this time during rounds to assess our residents, our environment, and ask our residents specific questions such as satisfaction with meals, preferences, activities being provided, interaction and response from staff, proper operation of all equipment in room and more!
- Indoor visitation begins Monday September 28, 2020. The screening process and all other visitation rules still apply. Any questions about visitation can be sent directly to me at Administrator@summitcommonsrhcc.com
- Don’t forget we are still doing Town Hall Meetings every Thursday via Zoom where you can talk to staff members about different topics in the building as well as get any current COVID information and ask questions to the me directly. This will continue indefinitely as I find them a helpful way to communicate as directly as possible with families.
Thank you and please stay safe and healthy!